Estate Management
Managing our Neighbourhoods and the Environment
We want to ensure that the neighbourhood is attractive, well-maintained and a safe place to live. In order to make this happen we have to effectively manage the environment around our properties and any common areas. Check out our Guide to Managing your Neighbourhood here.
The Estate Management Policy covers many different areas, some of which are not provided by us but the external agencies, such as Argyll & Bute Council & many owners have responsibilities from their title deeds.
Close Noticeboards
Are you a tenant or an owner who lives in in a block of flats where ACHA have properties?
If so you will have noticed that we have erected Notice Boards in these closes. This is a useful way to keep you updated with important information, such as details of repairs carried out to the common close or close inspections carried out.
Get Involved
The Association carries out regular inspections of its estates to ensure they are maintained in a good condition During the inspection our staff will record any areas of disrepair, untidiness and the condition of any common areas. Any items requiring attention or repair are instructed. If you see us out and about please come up and speak to us as we welcome any input from our residents. We also carry out Estate Walkabouts throughout the year. See below for details of when estate walkabouts are happening in your area. You can also complete your own Estate Inspections by clicking here.
Each area team prepares an Estate Action plan which describes how the team will deliver the Estate Management Service in your area.
The Estate Action plan includes:
- approved improvement projects planned for the year ahead
- advise how often we will visit each of our estates
- what we will do when we’re there & how we’ll address any issues that we find
- details of our ground maintenance contract
You can contribute to this plan by emailing, phoning or calling in to your nearest Area office with your ideas.
Estate Action Plan
To view the latest Estate action plans for your area, click the relevant link below.
Estate Walkabouts
To view when and where the next round of estate walkabouts will be taking place in your areas please click the relevant link below. It would be great to hear your views and ideas for improvements on the estates that you live in.
In this section
- Our Services
- Apply for a home
- Apply for a joint tenancy
- Argyll Homes for All
- CCTV and Video Doorbells
- Community Fund
- Estate Management
- Factoring
- Finance
- Group Insurance
- Gypsy Traveller Services
- Help/Assistance
- Home/Contents Insurance
- How to Pay Your Rent
- Information
- Make a Complaint or Suggestion
- Mutual Exchange
- Reporting Repairs
- Right to Buy
- Right to Repair
- Secure Login Area
- Sheltered Housing
- Tenants' Handbook
- Useful Information Books
- Welfare Rights/Benefit Advice