Apply for a home
Are you looking for Accommodation?
HOME Argyll is a partnership between Argyll Community Housing Association, Fyne Homes, Dunbritton Housing Association, West Highland Housing Association and Argyll & Bute Council. It aims to make it easier to apply for housing and provides information about the availability of social housing and the other housing options that are available throughout Argyll and Bute.
Applications for housing are now made online. To apply for housing, and/or to arrange to undertake a Housing Options Assessment you need to visit the Home Argyll website. All the partners will offer help to applicants who have difficulties with computers, or who don't have access to a computer and a paper application form can be provided.
With one application you can apply for housing with any of the four housing associations listed above, and you can also apply for sheltered housing by Cairn Housing Association in Campbeltown and for housing held by Dunbritton Housing Association in West Dunbartonshire. All the partners in Home Argyll have adopted a common allocations policy.
For more information:
- Visit the Home Argyll website
- Contact your local ACHA office
- Contact one of the other participating housing associations, Fyne Homes, West Highland Housing or Dunbritton websites.
Properties available for immediate let
Occasionally, there are properties which come up in areas of lower demand. Please click on the following link to view properties available for immediate let from all the Home Argyll Partners:
Argyll Community Housing Association have some properties which are available for immediate letting. If you would like more information regarding these properties, please contact us using the contact details below:
ACHA Office Contact Information
Bute- Haig House, 13-16 Longhill Crescent, Rothesay, Bute, PA20 0JT
01546 605870
Cowal- Dolphin Hall, Manse Avenue, Dunoon, PA23 8DQ
01546 605950
Islay- 11 Flora Street, Bowmore, Isle of Islay, PA43 7JX
01546 605890
Kintyre- Old Quay Head, Campbeltown, PA28 6ED
01546 605880
Mid Argyll- Dalriada House, Lochnell Street, Lochgilphead, PA31 8JL
01546 605800
Oban, Lorn and Isles- Menzies House, Glenshellach Business Park, Oban, PA34 4RY
01546 605930
Helensburgh & Lomond- Lamont House, 9-19 Stuckleckie Road, Helensburgh, G84 7NL
01546 605920
In this section
- Our Services
- Apply for a home
- Apply for a joint tenancy
- Argyll Homes for All
- CCTV and Video Doorbells
- Community Fund
- Estate Management
- Factoring
- Finance
- Group Insurance
- Gypsy Traveller Services
- Help/Assistance
- Home/Contents Insurance
- How to Pay Your Rent
- Information
- Make a Complaint or Suggestion
- Mutual Exchange
- Reporting Repairs
- Right to Buy
- Right to Repair
- Secure Login Area
- Sheltered Housing
- Tenants' Handbook
- Welfare Rights/Benefit Advice