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Latest news

Update from SSEN

Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks will be opening a number of hot food and drink vans this morning in communities where there is no power

HOME Argyll Allocation Policy Review

Along with our HOME Argyll partners Fyne Homes, West Highland Housing Association Ltd, Dunbritton Housing Association, and Argyll and Bute Council we are currently consulting customers on proposed changes to the HOME Argyll Allocation Policy. This policy was last reviewed in 2019 and we are keen that it is updated to meet current legislative requirements and good practice standards.

Rent Consultation 2025/26

Each year we consult you, our tenants, on the rent we are considering charging for the following year. We listen to, value and act on the views of our tenants and we encourage you to share your thoughts on the proposed rent increase. All responses to the consultation will be considered by the Association’s Board of Management who will use what you have told us to inform their decision on the rent increase for April 2025 at their meeting in February 2025. Alongside the work on our draft budget for 2025/26, we are consulting you on a rent increase of 4.0% to take effect from April 2025. Increasing rents is not a decision taken lightly and the consultation document explains why this is the lowest increase possible to maintain the current level of service and spend on your homes.

Argyll Community Housing Association shortlists in Scotland Housing Awards 2024

Argyll Community Housing Association (ACHA) is delighted to be shortlisted in two categories in the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) Scotland Housing Awards 2024.

Draft Corporate Strategy

Argyll Community Housing Association seeks views on its draft Corporate Strategy

We have launched a consultation seeking views on our five year Corporate Strategy 2024-2029.
Our vision is to “deliver quality housing, and more homes in great places to live and work”.
