Customer Service Centre
0800 028 2755

Get involved

Click on the pages below to find out more:

Governance of ACHA - This is the means by which all strategic decisions are made, ranging from rent changes to new build projects. Our Governance is delivered by a tenant led Board of Management. Find out more here.

Membership of ACHA –Membership is open to anyone over the age of 16. Anyone who has an interest in what we do, can become a member for just £1 for life. Have a look at the Membership of ACHA page for more information and an application form.

Your Voice (Tenant Scrutiny Group) - Works independently and is supported by us to carry out investigations on different topics and hold ACHA to account. They make recommendations to our Board of Management to improve services. Being a Your Voice Group members allows you to gain new skills and shape the services ACHA provides. Find out more information here.

Rent Consultation- It is important that we consult our tenants on rent and service charge levels for the following year and how we plan to budget that income. Find out more here.

Customer Involvement – We strive to provide a variety of ways you can engage with us at a level that best suits you. We continue to look at different ways to include our tenants and customers in everything we do. Find out more here.

Surveys and Competitions- Take part in current consultations, surveys and competitions here.

The Scottish Housing Regulator National Panel of Tenant and Service Users - The Scottish Housing Regulator work directly with a panel of more than 400 tenants and service users. If you’re tenant or you use the housing or homelessness services provided by councils, housing associations, co-operatives and the other social landlords. Find out more here.
