Customer Service Centre
0800 028 2755

Surveys and Competitions

As part of keeping our tenants and other customers at the heart of everything we do, this is a dedicated page for you to take part in consultations, surveys and competitions.

ACHA Group’s Corporate Strategy 2024/2029

Argyll Community Housing Association seeks views on its draft Corporate Strategy

We have launched a consultation seeking views on our five year Corporate Strategy 2024-2029.
Our vision is to “deliver quality housing, and more homes in great places to live and work”.

The strategy is focused on five strategic objectives which are to:

01 Deliver more homes in great places;
02 Achieve housing quality and affordable warmth;
03 Enable the ACHA Group to be a sustainable business; essential 
04 Realise the ACHA Group transformation programme;
05 Deliver effortless customer experiences.

The strategy sets out an ambitious programme over the five years to fulfil the strategic objectives. It supports and helps deliver a range of national and regional strategies, policies and plans whilst focusing on the needs, demands and priorities of local people and businesses, living, working and investing in Argyll and Bute.

We are keen to hear views on the priorities and activities identified under each strategic objective. We are hoping as many people as possible, from right across Argyll & Bute give us their feedback to ensure we are focusing on the right areas. The consultation is open until Thursday 31st October 2024, and the draft Corporate Strategy is available on our website:
Once we have collated all the responses, we will update the Corporate Strategy to reflect what you have told us. The final document will then be published.

You can respond to the consultation in a number of ways:
Post: Corporate Services, ACHA, Dalriada House, Lochnell Street, Lochgilphead, PA31 8JL
Telephone: 0800 0282755

Draft Decant Policy

Draft Decant Policy which will set out the legal framework and the key principles that we will use when managing any decant requirements. The purpose of the Policy is to ensure that we take all reasonable steps to ensure we fulfil all our legal obligations and prioritise the health and safety of our tenants.

To “Decant” is a term used to explain the process where tenants are required to move from their homes to alternative accommodation, either temporarily or permanently whilst repair work is undertaken, or due to health and safety concerns or in the event of an emergency. Health and safety is paramount to ACHA and we will endeavour to keep our tenants in their homes and only decant when absolutely necessary.

The Draft Decant Policy can be viewed here.

Please provide your feedback here:

Consultation closing date: Monday 14th October 2024.

If you would like to receive paper copies of any the consultation documents, please contact our Customer Service Centre on 0800 028 2755 who are always happy to help.

Draft Estate Management Policy

Draft Estate Management Policy which will provide information and guidance on ACHA’s approach to managing our estates and neighbourhoods.

The policy describes how the Association will ensure that our estates are managed and maintained in order to provide a safe, secure and pleasant environment for our customers and provide opportunities for our customers to participate in the management of our estates. We will make tenants and other residents living on our estates aware of their responsibilities in relation to estate management

The Draft Estate Management Policy can be viewed here.

Please provide your feedback here:

Consultation closing date: Monday 14th October 2024

If you would like to receive paper copies of any the consultation documents, please contact our Customer Service Centre on 0800 028 2755 who are always happy to help.

How did we do?

We would like to take this opportunity to ask you about how you feel your formal complaint was handled and invite you to complete our survey. We would appreciate it if you could base your answers on the formal complaints process only – not the events leading up to you making the complaint or the outcome of the complaint.

We are committed to ensuring that all our customers receive a quality service. To help us achieve this, it would be helpful if you could assist us by completing our survey via the following link -

If you prefer not to complete the survey online, please download a copy of the survey via this link - CHP Satisfaction Survey Form.docx

Once completed, please return it via email to or post to:

Argyll Community Housing Association
HR and Corporate Services
Dalriada House
Lochnell Street
PA31 8JL







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