Data Protection and Your Privacy/GDPR
ACHA is committed to keeping any personal information you give us safe and ensuring your privacy. This page contains information on how we do this and how to request information we hold.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force on 25th May 2018 and replaced the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA). It is designed to protect personal information which is collected in various formats. GDPR reinforces the principle that personal information remains the property of the individual who are giving their permissions for an organisation is use that personal data. Individuals have rights over the personal data, including the right of access to any records of information held about them.
Argyll Community Housing Association Limited is registered with the Information Commissioner under the GDPR.
ACHA is committed to the data protection principles of collecting minimum personal data, control the access of personal data and keeping personal data for the minimum time necessary and will delete thereafter.
Information is not normally transferred to any other third party unless express consent is given by the person giving the information to the Association or under exemption of the Act. The Association takes data privacy and security very seriously indeed and aims to ensure that personal data is held securely at all times.
The Association will respond to requests for access to information held under the GDPR on receipt of the appropriately completed form or an appropriately completed letter requesting information. The Association will then collate the information and return that to you within 30 days of the request having been made.
Anyone seeking information should be aware that the GDPR relates to your personal information only. The Act does not cover information relating to a third person and the Association will not provide information to a third party unless they have gained consent of the owner of that information and provided that to the Association.
The Association aims to be an open and transparent organisation.
If you are a Tenant click here for your Fair Processing Notice
If you are a Private Owner click here for your Fair Processing Notice
If you are a Factored Owner click here for your Fair Processing Notice
If you are a Share Member or Board Member click here for your Fair Processing Notice
All requests for information and questions about this statement should be directed to:
The Data Protection Officer
Allan MacDonald
Director of Finance and IT
Argyll Community Housing Association
Menzies House
Glenshellach Business Park
PA34 4RY